
Tom Fox RIP

A while ago we received the terrible news about the murder of Tom Fox. Tom was a member of the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Iraq. His colleague, John Lynes spoke at the university only two weeks back. John wrote a few days ago:

"I have been moved by all the messages of condolence that have reached me since the death of my friend Tom Fox. All last week I was frozen in depression. I now realise my anguish was a remote reflection of Tom's last days.

On Friday the depression lifted. On Saturday I was to give a talk in Preston about the Christian Peacemaker Teams Ten minutes before the talk I heard the dreadful news. I went outside and wept, but I struggled on through three successive days of lectures as Tom would have wished.

My mourning has been overtaken by grateful memories of happier times with Tom in Chicago, Hebron, Jayyous and At-Tuwani. He will continue to inspire his many friends in America, in Palestine and in Iraq. May his memory hasten the completion of the work to which he dedicated himself, for the captives in Iraqi prisons and for their families."

John keeps a blog.

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