
I have a new phone.

I'm very excited. I'm not like this normally. Honest. It's just so addictive.

There are all these apps on it: I can link up my facebook account, my email account and my text in-box. There's this natty thing that I can press and when I point the camera at something the phone automatically clicks to the internet, finds out what it is, and where I can buy one.

There's even this great setting where I can make my location known to all my friends. I'm contactable and locatable 24/7. I really need never be on my own again. Not ever!

No more boredom. No more loneliness. Never have to be on my own.
No more moments of wondering what to do, or why.
Fully occupied. No more awkward stillnesses.
Total distraction whenever I'd prefer not to look inside and see what's there.

Never have to be alone with just myself. Never have to be still. Never have to look inside...

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” Mark 1.35.

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