
Skye haiku

The loch shines, land green.
Candyfloss mist caught on pines
tugs free — Ardlui.

'Tween green arms's embrace
lone white sail braves Loch Harport,
fragile and serene.

My view this morning:
white amnesia. Yesterday's
mighty Cuillins - gone!

Climbing red Cuillins:
below, the silver river;
above, one more spur.

Beyond the old graves
distant dog-toothed Cuillins play
snap at wisps of cloud.

Fleeing mist and rain
in the low black house, photos
of a past hard life.

Thatch, stone walls, photos. 
Sheltering in the old black house:
memories and me.

Evening at Dun Beag:
granite stones in the broch's wall
still bound sharp and tight.

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